As many of us are returning to the workplace following a lengthy time away, I felt that this month’s “Safety & Security Tip” should remind everyone of the importance of workplace security.
Most, if not all of us, go to great lengths to secure our homes and our vehicles, but do little when it comes to addressing our safety and security while at work.
Be aware of who is entering your business. Delivery persons, random visitors and guests should be greeted and identified. No one should be granted full access and all visitors, with the obvious exception of retail locations, should be vetted. Never assume that “someone else” likely knows who this person(s) is. Outdoor security cameras allow advanced notice of visitors and often deter wrong-doers from entering.
Consider keeping purses, wallets and other valuables in a locked drawer. Many of us simply opt to leaving a purse or handbag on the floor, beneath a desk or hanging on a chair. If drawers do not have locking capability, consider purchasing and installing desk/cabinet locks. Most sell for under $6.00 and are available at larger retailers and online.
Should you be stepping out of the office for a brief period, lock all doors. If restroom trips leave your facility unattended, consider locking doors until you return.
Ensure that rear doors and windows are secured at all times, especially if your facility backs up to a desolate, poorly-lit and/or an area with limited visibility.
Always have your local law enforcement agency’s non-emergency number available and, of course, dial 9-1-1 under emergency circumstances.
Be proactive…be careful…and be safe. If you see something, say something, make the call!