14750 Six Mile Cypress Parkway, Fort Myers, FL 33912, USA
911 (Emergency)
239-477-1000 (Non Emergency)

Citizens Academy

Members of the public are invited to learn about the Lee County Sheriff’s Office by participating in the agency’s popular Citizens Academy. Join us and get a first-hand look at how we enforce the law as we protect and serve.

The Academy is a 12-week program with classes held on Tuesday nights from 6:00-9:15 p.m. Class size is limited. Best of all, there is no cost to attend.
Classes provide an in-depth view into numerous areas of law enforcement and are intended to enhance understanding, communication and partnerships between citizens and the Lee County Sheriff’s Office.

Highlights include presentations from the following Units: SWAT, Aviation, Major Crimes, Corrections, Public Information and Economic Crimes. Demonstrations include Active Shooter, K9 and the Bomb Squad. Participants also receive gun safety training at the Lee County Gun Range.

To participate, you must be at least 18 years of age, a resident of Lee County and have no Felony convictions. Click Here to fill out and submit the application form electronically. Questions should be directed to Citizens Academy Coordinator Tony Schall at (239) 258-3215 or tschall@sheriffleefl.org.