14750 Six Mile Cypress Parkway, Fort Myers, FL 33912, USA
911 (Emergency)
239-477-1000 (Non Emergency)

Nan’s Ranch

Corrections Ranch Program
Nan’s Ranch

Nan’s Ranch is near and dear to Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s heart. After Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s grandmother passed away in January of 2021, he wanted to create something that would allow her legacy to live on. That is how Nan’s Ranch was created.

Sheriff Carmine Marceno designed Nan’s Ranch to benefit both inmates and the community. The project began in May 2022, with the majority of the start-up costs covered by Inmate Welfare Funds. These funds come from fees that the Corrections Bureau collects on all inmate phone calls, messages and commissary orders.

The Ranch is a great addition to the community. The public is invited to come out and see this one of a kind program that is ran by inmate workers while serving their sanctions. Nan’s Ranch is open to the public every Saturday for hourly tours. Please email us at Nansranch@sheriffleefl.org to schedule a tour.

Our program consists of both male and female inmate workers who are county sentenced. This program teaches them patience and compassion while working with the animals and builds their confidence. They learn many skills while working at the Ranch that will assist them with employment opportunities such as:

• Ranch Hand
• Farrier
• Carpentry Skills
• Landscaping
• Small Engine Repair
• Painting Skills

These newly learned skills, while being assigned to this program, help to reduce the recidivism rates, by having skills to become employed when released from custody. It also helps stop the revolving door for inmates that are rearrested shortly after being released by becoming employable with numerous skills for multiple job opportunities.

Nan’s Ranch consists of goats, ponies, pigs, chickens, donkeys, as well as reptiles such as alligators, snakes, a bearded dragon and so much more. These animals were obtained by donations, rescues, and some purchased.